[Jacob-list] Mulesing and PETA

Katherine Wisor creeksendfarm at mac.com
Wed Mar 9 11:37:16 EST 2005

   I just forwarded this to Keith Larson ,   klarson at wbt.com     , as 
usual PETA gave half a story.   I've lost a sheep to Blow fies when I 
lived in Wilson NY , It was HORRIBLE .     On guy called in and asked 
if the PETA people are doing anything about animals abusing animals , 
like cats and their abuse of  mice , The guy actually admitted HE owned 
a cats that enjoyed the  toying of it's prey prior to death.   I bet he 
wished he hadn't .  The guy set him up then attacked when the guy from 
PETA 's  guard was down .  Small win but it was interesting to hear  
him try to wiggle out of his inconsistency.      Have a nice day. and 
thanks for the information   maybe I should run off some information to 
pass out at their meeting sat.....?  >K

Katherine Wisor RN
  400 Dawn Circle
Charlotte, NC, 28213
Phone: 704-598-8373
On Mar 9, 2005, at 11:18 AM, ARTHUR PARTRIDGE wrote:

>>> What is Mulsing(SP)? That's what they are protesting
> -----------------------------------------------
> It is a procedure done in Australia to give the sheep lifetime 
> protection
> from blowflies.  The skin on lambs is cut off around the backend.  It 
> is
> loose, folded skin found on the Merino breed of sheep.  There is some
> blood, it's painful but heals quickly.  The Aussies say that death by
> blowfly is much worse.  There is a big fight going on in Australia with
> PETA.  PETA wants the world to boycott Aussie wool products, shutting 
> down
> the industry.  The Aussies are currently working on a Merino breed that
> genetically does not have the skin folds.  Also, they claim that 
> mulesing
> isn't done that much anymore.  Search the Internet and use the keyword
> "mulesing".  However, most of what you will find is from PETA.
> Cathy
> P.S.  The reason I know about this is that I am on the sheep-list, an
> international group of people interested in sheep.  We have a few 
> Aussies
> on it.  The list is based in Sweden.  I don't remember how to 
> subscribe,
> but I can find out if anyone is interesting.  We have a wide variety of
> folks, from the big producers to the little hobby farms.  It is very
> interesting.
> Cathy Partridge
> Moscow, Idaho
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