[Jacob-list] Ivermectin dewormer

ARTHUR PARTRIDGE aztreaz at earthlink.net
Tue Jul 19 21:08:12 EDT 2005

--Debbie wrote: 
>"..........the feed store owner said he had been told that ivomec was
>formulated to interrupt the life cycle or make them unable to
>reproduce (I 'm not too clear on this) so that resistance should not
>be an issue. Does any one know if that is true?"
I asked the question on sheep-l and here is a reply, I have permission to
print it:

Absolutely not. Resistance to ivermectin is very widespread, very 
real, and a major problem, particularly (but not exclusively) in the 
southern US.
Feedstore owners are seldom parasitologists. (Nor am I, I might point 
out, but neither do I have an inventory of Ivomec sheep drench to 

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