[Jacob-list] Lambs

Victor Zdeb zdeb at eoni.com
Mon Feb 28 14:42:52 EST 2005

My last ewe to lamb had two little Rams today.  I have need of a little 
advice.  One ram-lamb is normal size and coloring but the other one is 2/3 
the size of his brother and albino, has reddish eyes, pink nose, pink hoofs 
and is white.  Will be watching him close to see any problems he might 
have, he seems healthy enough for now but is only a few hours old.  Is 
there anything I should be on the look-out for as far as genetic 
difficulties?  Has anyone out there been in a similar situation?  Any input 
would be helpful.  Been a strange year, one bummer, one set of triplets and 
one albino.

Victor Zdeb
zdeb at eoni.com 

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