[Jacob-list] babies

Linda patchworkfibers at alltel.net
Sat Feb 19 11:28:08 EST 2005

Sorry to hear you lost the ram, but congratulations on being there to save the ewe lamb.  

Registered Jacob Sheep, Angora Rabbits, Handspun Yarn

On Sat, 19 Feb 2005 01:05:59 -0800 (PST), Mary Hansson wrote:
> Hi Linda and all,
> Had first lambs within the last 20 minutes or so.  ISS Inga didn't
> want supper last night, so I was on my guard for her to go probably
> about midnight.  Nothing was happening on the monitor until she
> woke me up brawling away this morning about 3 am.
> This would be the ewe that as a lamb brawled her way from NC to MO
> to TX in a dog cage (with another ewe lamb friend).  She eventually
> brawled her way from TX back to NC in my old sheep trailer....
> Anyway, I went out to see lots of noise and no real effort.  I
> locked her in to her prepared lambing jug and watched for about 15
> minutes.  She finally laid down and gave a few good pushes before
> getting
> up---all to no visible change on the outside.  She, of course,
> believed she had worked hard enough for all babies to have been
> flung out.
> I went in to make a pot of coffee and get her a pan of water for
> when babies were born.  Noted monitor was quiet---HUMMMM.  Bustled
> back out to find ram lamb born and being cleaned off...OOPS.  Mis-
> judged that one.  You can bet I didn't leave again!
> Glad I didn't, as the second one came about 15 minutes later.  As
> she was pushing, I maneuvered myself into position to make sure
> head/front tootsies were
> present....OOPS!  Tail and back legs....Over the side I went,
> popped the sack, and pulled baby right out.
> This is a case where I would have shown up to find a dead lamb had
> I not been there to assist.  When the rib cage exits the ewe, it
> expands.  That pulls
> whatever is at the nose into the lamb's lungs.  If it isn't air (as
> would be when head is hanging out of ewe) and is amniotic fluid,
> lamb doesn't have a chance.
> Mom and babies are doing well.  This is the latest start to my
> lambing season yet!  That makes 20-some to go....
> Proud dad is Huntsberger Carl.  Ram and ewe lamb (ewe born last).
> Both have missing eye patch, so will see if that is a trait he aids
> or if the predominance comes from Inga's side (her brother had a
> VERY light face).  Other markings very nice on these lambs.
> =====
> Mary Ellen Hansson, MEd, RD, LDN
> ISeeSpots Farm
> Jacob Sheep:  Lambs, adults, wool
> www.iseespots.com
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