[Jacob-list] Showing Jacobs

Meg Steensland beegal7 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 29 21:43:56 EST 2005

        In OH,  we show them in their natural state, i. e. leave them alone.  My flock was shorn is April and adults shown in July/Aug/Sept.  lambs shown as grown.  If you have a really muddy sheep, you might want to clean her up some to to better show off the breed.  I also have a choice of who(sheep) I take to the fairs/exhibits.  We are limited to yearlings and lambs here for fairs.  But if you are invited to show a sheep somewhere, consider taking a well behaved elder.  I have not shown any ram other than ram lambs over concern about behavior in case they get out or away from me/another handler.  
  I have a friend who has a non-Jacob ram adult that he claims is well behaved enough to take to an exhibit.

Susan Roenke <oliveoyl_123 at hotmail.com> wrote:   
Now that it is a little slower, I wanted to ask how you are supposed to show 
Jacobs. Are there "standards" that you should follow? I have seen a lot of 
different things done at the NY State Fair and wondered how we are really 
supposed to show them. Are we supposed to wash them, trim them, or leave 
them alone?
Sue (and Marie)

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