[Jacob-list] suitability of wethers as pets?

Linda patchworkfibers at alltel.net
Thu Dec 22 22:01:55 EST 2005

I'm the self proclaimed queen of the half castrated wether.  I actually can now manage to get both testicles in the band, but freely admit to missing not only one, but both, testicles in my first banding attempt.  Never could understand why the boy was so aggressive until I noticed him standing upright with his front feet on the fence - oops - looks like I missed something.

A properly castrated male is no more aggressive than a ewe.  I'd recommend you send your ewe with a sheep friend.

Registered Jacob Sheep, Angora Rabbits, Handspun Yarn

On Thu, 22 Dec 2005 10:10:21 -0800 (PST), Meg Steensland wrote:
> I have a friend I used to work with that has goats now and is
> considering a few Jacobs as pets.  I have a perfect ewe for her -
> my festival, parade, fair goer - but just one now,  Should I even
> be recommending she consider a wether as a companion, in case Traci
> has a ram?
> What kind of experience do those with wether fleece flocks have
> with these guys?  I can walk among my ewes in the pasture or pen or
> anywhere with safety.  Can one do so in a wether flock or do these
> guys pose a threat to the unwary shapherd?
> Thank you.
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