[Jacob-list] Rams together

ARTHUR PARTRIDGE aztreaz at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 5 11:46:59 EST 2005

--Cheryl wrote:
>My experience has taught me to work in odd numbers whenever possible --
this way, each 
>ram has two others (or more) to size up, which is better than going head
>head with one another.
I'm thinking the same way.  I have to introduce an intact ram lamb to the
rest of the group after this season's breeding.  He will have to face the
old ram, two old adult wethers and two adult castrated rams.  Probably a
mix of personalities and temperaments.  I'm certain all the adult males
will quickly put the young'un in his place.  The ram lamb will also have
two pals, wethers, that are his age.  I'm hoping that when I let him and
his ewes out with the others, the confusion (chaos) will keep everyone from
getting harmed.  Next year when the ram lamb is an adult I will try the
small pen idea, if I can get all the adult males in there.

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