[Jacob-list] rams together

spotted_sheep at bluefrog.com spotted_sheep at bluefrog.com
Mon Dec 5 10:22:17 EST 2005

>My husband cornered her (it was her turn for foot trimming) and she
leaped >in the air to get past him.  Fortunately, Mike was quick on feet
and >caught her mid-stream at the height of his head -- he is 6 feet
tall.  >That day, I decided it just wasn't worth keeping her. I certainly
didn't >want another shepherd having to endure the assaults of this ewe
so we >butchered her -- problem solved.

I had a ewe like that, the vet came and she said we had to corner her
(she said that the ewe would not come with grain) and the next thing i know
is the vet had jumped on the ewe and the ewe was flying at my head and wham!
i had bump on my forehead, but i only had 2 ewes then so i had to solve the
problem some other way so i trained the Little bronco and now she is the most
friendly sheep in the barn.


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