[Jacob-list] another opinion

Linda patchworkfibers at alltel.net
Tue Aug 2 19:58:49 EDT 2005

Hi Betty,

Is this the electronetting that Premier sells?   What chargers are you using? I haven't had any hang themselves on the metal panels, but it is a real nuisance to cut one loose.

Your crippled lamb may have been a  casualty, but she must have been tough to hang in there for three days.  

Geese - I'm not sure you could kill a goose with a semi!!!  

Getting ready for 2006 lambs!
Registered Jacob Sheep, Angora Rabbits, Handspun Yarn

On Mon, 1 Aug 2005 19:32:34 -0400, Betty Berlenbach wrote:
> Hi, All,
> Just want to let everyone know that all I've ever used is
> electronetting, with great success.  If sheep are raised on
> electronetting, at least in my experience here, they are fine. 
> They come out of the jugs at 3 days old, Mama takes them over to be
> shocked, and they never go near the fence again.  I've had rams new
> to netting on the farm, who get stuck a couple of times.  But they
> can't hang themselves on it, because it just comes down.  I've had
> rams hang themselves on rigid metal panels, on wooden panels, on a
> ladder...but never on electronetting.  They just get tangled, and
> wait for me to come rescue them.  With all their wool, they really
> don't get much shock, unless through some weird quirk of fate, they
> get it in their mouths.  And with the new chargers, which pulse,
> and are NOT very strong current, just enough to discourage
> predators, I've had geese get stuck, with no discernable damage as
> soon as they are set free.  In ten years, I've had maybe three rams
> get caught three times each, one goose get caught, and one lamb who
> was crippled get caught.  Casualties, only the crippled lamb, who
> was too weak to begin with: she fell into the netting and wasn't
> noticed by my husband who was sheep sitting, and was there for 3
> days, before I got home and found her almost dead.  She finally
> succumbed to flystrike...I wouldn't use anything else but
> electronetting.  So, there you go: each person has to decide for
> him/her self what is best for their sheep and their situation. 
> Around here, people with woven wire and one strand of electric
> often have coyotes getting through and eating their sheep.  No one
> I know with electronetting has ever had a coyote or any other
> predator break through.  I know a guy who surrounds his hives with
> electronetting and it keeps the bears out!

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