[Jacob-list] wethering ram lambs

Linda patchworkfibers at alltel.net
Wed Apr 13 06:07:13 EDT 2005


Thanks for such concise instructions. I've never gotten the 'hang' of banding smoothly.  I very seldom wether anything for various reasons - rams are just as tasty as wethers and I am just not good enough to judge horns on a week old ram lamb. But, I've saved your post and will refer to it when I have one to try it on.  

Thanks again
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On Wed, 13 Apr 2005 01:12:10 +0100, gordon johnston wrote:
> Hi Greg

> What you are aiming for is to have your equipment ready, applicator
> loaded ; pick up the lamb, swing him into position , place your
> fingers over the teats and press down, position and release the
> applicator, check both testes are in the sac, pop the lamb back
> down with his mother - all in one fluid movement !
> Good luck !
> Juliet in Scotland

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