[Jacob-list] Auctions

Linda patchworkfibers at alltel.net
Wed May 19 17:36:11 EDT 2004

Is that a live weight price?  Either way, that's a good price.  

I agree, culls belong in the freezer.  Are there sales where people would go to buy good breeding stock?  Quite a few 
years ago, I spoke with a breeder in SC.  He registered his sheep and had nice bloodlines.  He told me that he would 
just the ewes through the sale when they were 7 or 8 years old.  I never did get down to see his flock before he 
dispersed due to his health, but I find it sad that those sheep were scattered all over and all background information 
was lost.

Speaking of which, with the issue of closing the books at JSBA looming, I wonder if everyone could take a look around 
their area and see just how many unregistered flocks there are and making a note of them.  I am leaning towards closing 
the books, but I would like to see some sort of database on those flocks that don't register, even if it's just "this 
guy that lives down the road from me and bought purebred Jacobs from "X Farm"  four years ago and now has 24 sheep."


On Wed, 19 May 2004 09:03:17 -0400, Wayne & Edie Van Valkenburg wrote:
>We are fortunate to be in a good market area.   We have taken only wethers to
>our local auction "Cowtown"  but sell most of  our rams or wethers to private
>people.  At present time the market is high  at 2.25 and low at 1.60 a lb. So
>on the farm we can sell them at $1.60 lb. and  we are all happy.  Mostly our
>culled ewes we use for our own freezer.   this way no culls are out there.We
>know our buyers and know that they are  putting the rams into meat immediately
>for their own use. Some years it is better than others.  We went  to the
>auction just enough times for the buyers to know us and since we are only  10
>minutes away, the come. Edie

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