[Jacob-list] ram lambs for sale or trade

Donnangelo,Nicholas C. ncd at mitre.org
Tue May 4 23:15:23 EDT 2004

This is my first posting on the list.

Last year my wife and I purchased 2 dual registered ewes and a dual
registered ram. It has been a great experience and we are committed to
the breed.   Our first lambing season was uneventful and we have three
really cute rams; two 4-horn and one 2 horn.  The 2-horn ram lamb has
exceptionally fine wool and great markings; about 80% white.   Both
4-horn ram lams have well differentiated horns.  If interested in
diversifying your blood lines by purchase a ram or trade of a ewe ram
for a ram lamb please let me know.  We are located in northern
Virginia.  Thanks.  Nick

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