[Jacob-list] iodine

Victoria da Roza castlerockjacobs at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 16 15:21:16 EST 2004

The best thing we found for applying iodine is to use
an empty and clean bottle from Ocean nosespray (which
is just salt water anyway) and suck up some iodine. 
The container is small and easily held with a
squirming lamb and the amt. applied is easily
controled. We just drip from the top of the navel down
and it take literally less than a second and no big
mess.    Pipestone sheep supplies also sells a bottle
of iodine that comes with a squirt device like you
would see on windex but that was too broad a spray for
us and the bottle is the size and weight of a bottle
of alcohol which is kind of awkward for me.

Castle Rock Farm
Jacob Sheep & Nigerian Dwarf Goats

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