[Jacob-list] eating lambs

Linda patchworkfibers at alltel.net
Sun Mar 14 07:34:22 EST 2004

I got the impression that Victoria was planning on wethering her extra rams, not 
keeping a pasture full of intact rams.

But, we do manage to eat those cute little guys - after they have grown a little, of 
course.  I can do it because we don't have unlimited funds and I want to continue to 
breed sheep. In order to maintain some sort of control over the numbers, I have to 
have someplace for the extras to go.  Sell them or eat them.  Our freezer lambs are 
well treated and content during their lives (however short).  

I've got plenty of very friendly ewes that I enjoy petting and scratching when I do 
feel the need for a sheep "friend."


On Sun, 14 Mar 2004 06:28:22 -0500, Thomas Simmons wrote:

>I have as mall flock, but to me, rams are good for two things: Making Babies,
>and filling my freezer.  Period.  Every ram, upon birth, is *assumed* to be
>freezer-bound unless he exchibits some wonderful traits that outshine his dad.
>I have no way to afford extra grain-eating, fence-breaking, barn-space-taking-
>up borders around here.  I also eat chickens I've raised from day-old hathers.
>These are not my friends, they are farm animals.  I have a responsibility for
>their stewardship and care, but not their friendship.
>Just my hardened .02
 Registered Jacob Sheep & Angora Rabbits
 Handspun Yarns

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