[Jacob-list] eating lambs

Thomas Simmons creaganlios at prexar.com
Sun Mar 14 06:28:22 EST 2004

"Two questions.  How in the world can you know
these lambs from birth and then eat them?  I have 3
male lambs but they are so individual I cannot imagine
eating them. There is one of them I would sell to
someone who was going to eat him but the other 2 are
just such lovers.  HOw do you think about them as
food?  Is it because I have a small herd?"


I have as mall flock, but to me, rams are good for two things: Making
Babies, and filling my freezer.  Period.  Every ram, upon birth, is
*assumed* to be freezer-bound unless he exchibits some wonderful traits that
outshine his dad.  I have no way to afford extra grain-eating,
fence-breaking, barn-space-taking-up borders around here.  I also eat
chickens I've raised from day-old hathers.  These are not my friends, they
are farm animals.  I have a responsibility for their stewardship and care,
but not their friendship.

Just my hardened .02


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