[Jacob-list] Baby, baby and baby

Karen Sigler karen at benjaminfarms.com
Sun Mar 14 11:21:22 EST 2004

    You know when you are getting old, when you look out the window,  
doing your daily tally of the animals and can't tell if that ewe has an 
extra wide leg or just maybe, maybe there is a baby standing beside 
her.  At first, I called for my husband (who did not hear me,  another 
sign of age?) but then I thought I was just seeing things and let it 
go.  I just figured that after waiting two years,  (no lambs last 
spring) that I was just being overly baby lamb hungry and just seeing 
things.  Low and behold Maggie moved and there was a distinct lamb 
there,  so I called louder to my husband.  His response was "there  
isn't just one lamb, there are two...." Sure enough the llama was 
checking out the other.  By the time I could grab a coat and get out 
there, because of course I have to go do something, I heard three cries 
and found another lamb hidden behind the water tank. 
    Congratulations Lynn.  We are grandewe moms and have three ewe lambs 
this morning.  Juno earned his keep.  Hopefully Gracie will follow.  
Both girls were given a talking to this fall and told babies were a must 
for this spring (no free lunch around here).  So for the first time I 
can add to the count.  3 beautiful baby ewe lambs.
Karen Sigler
Benjamin Farms,  Utah

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