[Jacob-list] pine needles

Patchworkfibers patchworkfibers at alltel.net
Tue Jan 27 19:03:42 EST 2004

Merck lists western yellow pine in its table of poisonous plants of temperate North 
America.  It does say cattle as affected animals and doesn't mention sheep.  Unknown 
toxin, effects include abortion in late gestation, stillbirth, weak calves, edema of 
vulva and udder, retained placenta.

We don't have western yellow pine here in  Georgia, so I don't have any first hand 
knowledge of its effects.  My sheep do eat pine needles that fall during wind and 
ice storms with no ill effect, but we're just talking about a handful of needles.

Linda in Georgia
 Registered Jacob Sheep & Angora Rabbits
 Handspun Yarns

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