[Jacob-list] What a winter! Hope spring is better!!

marguerite e vanbeek pegaleg2 at juno.com
Thu Feb 19 16:32:39 EST 2004

So, far most of my ewes have had singles, which is OK since they were
first timers and extremely healthy.
One ewe lamb got her foot caught in the bottom of the dutch door.   She
is still lame and swollen.  Didn't 
look or feel broken, hoping that she just wrench it.  Still runs around
with three legs.  Bothers me.  
Yesterday was a day from hell (I seem to get these once in awhile God
likes to keep me on my toes or something).  Arrived home to a frantic
teary daughter, Alex, her beloved yearling had cut his leg BAD.
Called the vet, assumed (since the leg was wrapped I didn't want to
unwrap until the vet got there) how BAD could BAD be.  Well, bad was bad.
 Dr. Wessel and I removed the leg wrap and it was a mess.
She described it as a worn snagging sock.  The front leg had two spot of
skin removed. The top was peeled back to 6", the bottom below the ankle,
above the hoof was peeled back the size of a fist all the way to the
joint.   I should have known when Alex kept asking me do we have to put
him down?  Seems my little friend
was running in the paddock slipped went under the fence boards with his
legs.  The joint was the problem.
If compromised and the joint capsule was punctured he needed to go to a
Clinic.  Now, anyone who has been to a clinic for horses knows this means
alot of money.  I truly hate to go but this was the best thing to do I
couldn't do this in my barn.  While Dr. Wessel was down at the barn one
of my ewes had a preemie which didn't make it.  So before we could go I
had to take care of my ewe and make sure she was OK.We arrived at the
clinic 9:00pm, they examined him and decided to put in out (flat out) and
stitch him laying down.  Cost approx. 1700.00 to 2000.00.  Left at

This afternoon Jack (yearling) was operated on.  The skin was reattached,
the joint looked good no puncture but wait!!! Luck was not to be had,
Seems my Jack had a blood spot on his knee, the vet was suspicious
and check the joint with a needle and BINGO he punctured his knee joint
and there was an infection.  So
what looked like we might be out of the woods we were deep and lost.  so,
he has a cast his leg and has to have his knee flushed until the
infection is out.  Cost goes up.  All in all if all goes well he will be
sound and healty which is the most important thing.  And Alex will be


Stay tune.

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