[Jacob-list] teats

Victoria da Roza castlerockjacobs at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 1 22:29:01 EST 2004

Hi All,
   As Nibbles bag fills evermore fully, another teat
has appeared.  My vet book says sheep are only to have
2 and the others are to be snipped off while lambs.
She now has at least 3.  It must have been way to the
back because at shearing last year it was not visible.
   True for Jacobs' too?  The book said this is
genetic and so does this mean I should wether any
males born?
   I am appreciating all the cold weather stories of
other locations.  Here in N. Calif. we get cold rain
but I am also sharing with neighbors the various kinds
of citrus our trees produce this time of year :-). 
Maybe the earthquakes, dry/hot summers, high prices
and nutso Governor are worth it?

Castle Rock Farm
Jacob Sheep & Nigerian Dwarf Goats

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