[Jacob-list] vit. E

Neal and Louise Grose nlgrose at yadtel.net
Sat Aug 14 21:28:34 EDT 2004

Vitamin E deficiency is characterized by weak muscles and lowered disease
resistance. It is sometimes called white muscle disease and is most often
seen in newborns. Selenium deficiencies are more often the culprit, and
soils vary enormously in this element. It is generally treated with Vit.E +
selenium injections. Dosage needs to be monitored carefully, since there are
several strengths of the stuff, the quantities needed are very small, and
overdoses can be fatal. I would pull blood samples and work closely with a

Neal Grose
North Carolina

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Karen Sigler" <karen at benjaminfarms.com>
To: <Jacob-list at jacobsheep.com>
Sent: Saturday, August 14, 2004 6:25 PM
Subject: [Jacob-list] vit. E

>     Has anyone ever had to deal with a vit. E defiency before?  If so
> what were the symptoms and is it possible to treat without using
> Thanks Karen Sigler
> Benjamin Farms  Utah
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