[Jacob-list] Re: Halters on sheep

MarmontJacobs at aol.com MarmontJacobs at aol.com
Mon Aug 9 08:51:46 EDT 2004

Hi...most halters - and I'm assuming you mean a separate head halter to which 
you would attach a lead rope - will chafe the skin in time and leave bald and 
possibly sore bits especially around the top of the nose. There is a risk of 
getting caught up on fencing, bushes, hedges, trees, other bits and pieces. 
Strangulation could result. IMO it is not worth the risk. 

Mine wear halters for showing, but never at home. A few I've seen wear a 
collar (like a dog), and these would be even riskier. A quick release clip would 
be a good idea on these.

Why are you considering F/T halters if I may ask? Just curious.

Trisha, Marmont Jacobs, Wales
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