[Jacob-list] Relaxing

Victoria da Roza castlerockjacobs at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 5 15:03:33 EDT 2004

I agree with Gillian.  I was very nervous about birth
and if they were eating , etc.  Luckily many more
experienced shepherds wrote me and assured me that we
have a hearty breed and mine were not going to be the
exception.  I did give 2 shots of lamb boost from
Pipestone to one that looked a little thin during the
first 2 days.
   I think when I relaxed and decided to just go with
the flow the ewes were more relaxed.  That is why this
website is so valuable. Now I have lambs that are
doing so well they look rollypolly just on grass and
Mom's milk.

Castle Rock Farm
Jacob Sheep & Nigerian Dwarf Goats

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