CARL FOSBRINK carlfosbrink at yahoo.com
Wed May 7 21:00:54 EDT 2003

Hello Everyone,    I started all this discussion about Lilac color by asking to buy a Chocolate Lilac ewe or ewe lamb.    I have since found out that Kate Shirley is the one that had the beautiful Chocolate ram lamb I saw a picture of last year. PLEASE Kate, if you still have that picture, send it to the list so all can see the beautiful chocolate color that he had on face, legs and wool.    Linda Bjarkman has sent me a picture of a new blue/gray Lilac ram she is getting that has GREAT laterals.     Everyone REALLY needs to see good photos of the different so called Lilac colors, which seem to vary from just a brown ring around the eye of an otherwise black and white Jacob to blue/gray to chocolate or where the spots seem to run together and cause a blackish/purple color in the wool. I have seen all of these and the owners all called them Lilac.    I too think that the Lilacs should be registered as whatever color they really are on their faces and legs.    I seem to remember Edd Bissell saying in his tape that Bill Reynolds, from Indiana, had an all Lilac flock and thought all Jacobs were that color until he got a new ram and it was black and white.    Could someone please tell me where and when the JSBA came up with the term "LILAC" ? None of the Lilac Jacobs I have seen are the color of our Lilac bush!Carl Fosbrink

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