[Jacob-list] extra teat

Dave & Katrina oberlef at supernet.com
Sun Jun 8 19:13:32 EDT 2003

Actually, I think most of ours have the extra set of teats although I never
thought they were used.  Might be a few that only have 2.  Katrina

> [Original Message]
> From: linda <patchworkfibers at alltel.net>
> To: jacoblist <jacob-list at jacobsheep.com>
 > Date: 6/8/03 3:17:25 PM
> Subject: [Jacob-list] extra teat
> I'm sure someone out there has seen a ewe or a goat with an extra=
> teat.  Usually these seem to be blind teats and they are not 
> functional.  IF, both teats on the same side of the udder are=
>  giving 
> milk, is the milk coming from the same chamber??  Or would the=
>  ewe 
> have and extra udder division?
> Dr. Lincicome - didn't you do some work with extra teated ewes?
> Linda
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--- Dave & Katrina O. Lefever
--- oberlef at supernet.com
--- Chicory Lane Farm
--- http://chicoryjacobs.com    

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