[Jacob-list] rams

Linda wolfpen at rabun.net
Sat Jan 4 21:41:04 EST 2003

Perhaps off topic abit (actually alot off topic) - my grandmother was a serious fan of Saturday Evening Post.  I will always remember a story back in the 50's where the US president and the USSR president (premier? boss? whatever the top dog was called back then) decided to melt down all the gold in the countries and make a big (20 feet in diameter or such) coin.  All disputes were then resolved by spinning this giant coin. 
As I said, off topic.  Although, I did see a little bit of spinning the mean old baby boss ram this morning!


On Sat, 4 Jan 2003 21:22:20 -0500, Betty Berlenbach wrote:
>Now, what I'm wondering if the same method (shut  them all in a
>small pen with simple food til they work it out) would work with
>the world's leaders who seem bent on war...a 10 x 10 room, bread and
>water, and  no one let out til they settle their differences?  Seems
>better than bombs  that land on civilians to me...and lots of young
>boys from both sides  killed...

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