Penelope pcj at efn.org
Wed Feb 5 10:15:36 EST 2003

Sometime around 06:59 2/5/2003, marguerite e vanbeek typed:

>couldn't wait for her's to be born.  The only problem I have is that the
>colostrum was evidently nurse out days ago and know the newborn has none
>for herself.  Any suggestions???  Should I give her shots or just let it
>be.   I have no other ewes ready to lamb at this moment they are apporx.
>a month away.
>Has anyone ever have this happen?

To the best of my knowledge, as a lactating person, the colostrum will be 
the milk the body makes until a day or two after giving birth.  So Anne 
should have plenty of colostrum for her new lamb too.  Are you letting her 
keep both lambs, or are you going to move the ram back to Mullen?

Penelope Jacob pcj at efn.org
parent, doula, farmer, birth & breastfeeding activist.
***War doesn't decide who is right. Only who's left.***
Attachment parenting a busy, spirited, nursing toddler.

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