[Jacob-list] Medical / Social behavior ...

Linda Bjarkman patchworkfibers at alltel.net
Tue Dec 9 21:53:58 EST 2003

When we first had sheep - not Jacobs - I noticed that my ewes would squat without 
actually peeing when my Mountain Cur Dog was with me.  He'd sniff them and they 
would squat. It was similar to the posture of a ewe in heat, but these were 2 to 3 
month old Suffolk/Hampshire/etc and were certainly not in heat.  I've seen it a few 
times since and it just seems to be a submissive gesture.  I have not seen it very 
often in my Jacobs (maybe once or twice) - they seem to duke it out rather than 


On Mon, 8 Dec 2003 18:10:09 -0500, gf wrote:
>Jacob Members.
>I have a question, it may be medical or social but  I will wait for an answer.
> I have 5 ewes and removed the ram last week. The  oldest dominant ewe was
>acting strange. I dumped in a bale of hay and  noticed the oldest ewe running,
>well doing the 4 legged bounce hopping  run, almost stomping.
>You know the one. Then I noticed that the second  oldest ewe was doing the
>same but seemed to be chasing the older ewe and  would not let her near the
>bale of hay, even noticed the babies seemed to  be attacking her, not vicious,
>just like the social order was  disturbed.
>Then I noticed the older ewe was squating to pee  and not having any success
>Anyone think I need a vet, is it a UTI or just  stress from a big social
>change, ram removal .....
>Thanks Gary

 Registered Jacob Sheep & Angora Rabbits
 Handspun Yarns

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