CARL FOSBRINK carlfosbrink at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 28 12:19:10 EDT 2003

Hello Everyone,    Someone on the list, I believe they were from the South, had a Chocolate Lilac Jacob ram lamb last year and I believe it was out of stock from Canada. Anyway, I am wanting to buy a True Chocolate Lilac Jacob ewe or ewe lamb. I want the face and leg markings to be chocolate as well as the wool. Would prefer a good 4H with seperated spots and good face and leg markings. I will be attending the AGM and could pick it up there or come to your farm.Thanks,Carl and Judy Fosbrink4Horn Farm's Jacob Sheep2447 N. Co. Rd. 1000 E.Seymour, Indiana 47274Ph: 812-522-3048 p.s. We have two very nice 14 mo. old Jacob Rams for sale. Both are 2H out of two 4H parents. One was sired by Craft's Carson and the other by Sweetgrass Reason. Can deliver to AGM. 

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