[Jacob-list] crimpy fleece

Thomas Simmons creaganlios at prexar.com
Tue Oct 22 19:15:44 EDT 2002

MessageHere's the deal:

*We register because we all need to speak the same language, not that we
need to think the same thing *

Oooooh...guess I touched a nerve, huh?!   Actually, we don't all need to
speak the same language. But you would prefer for a variety of reasons, many
of them very good, that we did.  But animals existed long befroe registries,
and will exist long after registries.

As you well know, the "Jacob" as we have it today is NOT the Jacob of 200
years ago, or 1000 years ago, or whenever..breeds come and go, and life goes
on, and there is *nothing* magical about freezing a breed in a particular
period of time.

Having said that, I *do* see the value of registries, but hasten to point
out that the majority of Jacobs in the US today are *not* registered.  Which
also speaks volumes......


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