[Jacob-list] Multiple rams

Neal and Louise Grose nlgrose at yadtel.net
Fri Oct 4 16:10:46 EDT 2002

The subject of multiple rams has come up several times lately, as can be expected of a fecund group of animals during breeding season. When several rams are used in a group of ewes, the offspring from each of the rams will be in proportion to their fertility. Keep in mind that rams of some breeds of sheep are perfectly capable of covering 60 ewes per breeding cycle. So, in a flock of 200 ewes and 4 rams, you might see 100+ lambs from Ram A, 75 from Ram B, etc. 
[ As an aside, in chickens, it has been shown that the rooster at the top of the pecking order and the one at the bottom breed none of the hens, because they spend too much time fighting.] [Knew you wanted to know that!]
The implications of this on breeding schemes is worth thinking about. If we want to select for fertility, then the only good way to do that is to turn 'em loose. I have seen reports that some Suffolk rams do well to cover 20 ewes. This is not good. Were it not for the pesky business of registering sheep and keeping records straight, more breeders might use this option. As long as a group of registered rams were used, it is hard to argue against this logic...but I don't encourage doing this. I think that there are other ways of accomplishing the same goal. One solution might be to use one ram per breeding group for one breeding cycle, take them out for a breeding cycle and then switch them around. This is probably more trouble than it is worth.

Neal Grose
Harmony, NC

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