[Jacob-list] breeding rams

Dave & Katrina oberlef at supernet.com
Fri Oct 4 11:12:41 EDT 2002

I don't. To begin with, the rams snuck in to the ewe flock on their
own...not my chosing!  Maybe you weren't clear about that?  So I now know
for sure that ewe's lambs will have unknown fathers.  Her lambs will
probably even have different fathers.  Guess you could do DNA testing if
you really wanted, but don't think I will be doing that anytime soon. 
Since I was out with them the  whole time (swearing my head off, the poor
neighbors!) I have a pretty good idea of what went on, but just in case, I
am going to delay sorting the ewes into their breeding groups for a few
weeks.  Was hoping to do it this saturday.

It would be tempting to guess the parentage since the rams we have produce
very different offspring. But that is out of the question with this
situation.  MOstly likely her lambs will either be butchered if they are
rams or pets if they are ewes...unless they are really, really nice and
then I guess I have the option of registering them as having 'unknown
chicory lane sire'.  Any advice that I am not thinking of? (besides get
more secure gates!) Katrina 

> [Original Message]
> From: marguerite e vanbeek <pegaleg2 at juno.com>
> To: <jacob-list at jacobsheep.com>
 > Date: 10/4/02 10:28:30 AM
> Subject: [Jacob-list] breeding rams
> I just have a question.  If you have a flock of ewes and in that flock
> you have 5 rams and in your e-mail you state that one ewe
> was bred by 5 different rams how do you determine the parentage of the
> resulting lamb.  How do you register this lamb?
> Peggy
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--- Dave & Katrina 
--- oberlef at supernet.com
--- EarthLink: The #1 provider of the Real Internet.

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