[Jacob-list] pasture

Susan Nielsen snielsen at orednet.org
Sun Nov 24 11:47:54 EST 2002

On Sun, 24 Nov 2002, Heather Fogel wrote:

> We are pretty new at all of this pasture care business, and our
> sheep ate down most of the good alfalfa out of our pasture last year.
> We are looking for some advice/ideas about what to reseed the bare
> spots with (keep in mind that we are in the Northern part of the country).
> I also really liked the info that was given about the forage turnips,
> and would like to know where I can get some seed.

I always suggest (strongly, strongly suggest) to people in the US that
they get in touch with thier local County Extension office. These
offices usually have a small farms specialist, and they have access to
a dazzling array of publications and advice sheets. They will know
the conditions in your part of the country and will have answers that
are appropriate there. They will send someone out to walk around your
place with you if you want. They may have classes scheduled, too, to
address the special needs of small farmers. They are the most helpful
advocate you can find. Often there is a mailing list as well, that
can alert you to learning opportunities.

Local feed stores, though they are in the business of selling you
stuff, will often have short classes as well. Keep in mind that their
mission is to sell, and review the information with a careful eye,
and you can find them helpful. After all, it's also to their benefit
to keep you successful, since if you go bust following their advice,
you won't be shopping there anymore.

Run a Google search on "pasture management." Wow, what a load of hits.
University websites can be a goldmine. Got your printer inked up?

This is a good time of year to be doing your research. Have fun. (I
bet the sheep enjoyed all that alfalfa!)

Susan Layne Nielsen, Shambles Workshops      	|"...Gently down the
Beavercreek, OR, USA -- snielsen at orednet.org  	|stream..." -- Anon.
Purveyors of fine honey, Jacob Sheep, Ashford spinning products
			and Interweave books

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