[Jacob-list] 11-6-02 Jacob s

Alan J Kramer remark at vcn.com
Thu Nov 7 19:07:26 EST 2002

Here is the most sensible answer of all!

A J Kramer
777 Livestock
Bear River, WY
remark at vcn.com

Katherine Wisor wrote:

>   No animal is neurotic without it's neurotic owner to set it's pace!
> Like they say "consider the source"   !   Maybe  the person who gave
> this advice is not meant to have sheep,   of any breed.    I have had
> most breed and the Jacobs have an even  temperament .   They are
> neither aggressive  or abstinent without cause .   How can you resist
> those spots AND the History ?   Maybe you need to examine  the reason
> you  want sheep..  For company, education , proliferation of the
> perfect breed  , meat ETC....      Follow your heart , visit breeders,
> farms etc... you'll be OK, GOOD LUCK >>>> Katherine
> www.creeksendfarm.com
> Katherine Wisor RN
>   400 Dawn Circle
> Charlotte, NC, 28213
> Phone: 704-598-8373
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