[Jacob-list] mouth marbles...

Dave & Katrina oberlef at supernet.com
Fri May 17 06:46:36 EDT 2002

Interesting thought...hadn't considered a bee sting.  The 'marble' is very hard though, and not spread out at all  meaning no swelling around it or anything.  Plenty of bee here to do the deed!  Katrina
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Betty Berlenbach 
  To: Dave & Katrina 
  Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 11:41 PM
  Subject: Re: [Jacob-list] mouth marbles...

  Bee sting is my guess.
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Dave & Katrina 
    To: jacob-list 
    Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 7:19 PM
    Subject: [Jacob-list] mouth marbles...

    Need some advice from the list...  A three year old ewe here has something that looks like a marble in her cheek.  Or more like at the corner of her mouth.  Looks like she has a lump of tobacco or snuff in there!  I reached inside with a finger to see if it is an abcess on the inside but didn't feel an open sore or anything.  Haven't been able to actually roll back the skin and check it yet.  Doesn't seem terribly sore,although she doesn't like me messing with it. Any experiences with anything like this?  I thought about an infected tick bite or something...but don't think so.
    Katrina, Chicory Lane Farm
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