[Jacob-list] JSBA AGM and scrapie program

Grose NLGrose at Yadtel.net
Tue Mar 12 10:00:33 EST 2002

We are just getting started here on the Voluntary Scrapie program. When the Mandatory program started, I felt that it was obvious that it would be best that everyone was on the voluntary program. As I understand it, almost everything in this state has to have a program tag when it goes to market because there is a good chance that it will go out of state, and everything that crosses state lines has to have a tag. This will be a major topic at the JSBA Annual General Meeting this year during the afternoon program. Hopefully we can clear some of this up. Perhaps we can have a discussion group to come up with a breed association response to the membership on the program.

The AGM will be in Raleigh, NC this year on Saturday, June 15th. [PLUG PLUG PLUG] There will be a JSBA business meeting for members in the morning with a program in the afternoon that will be open to the public. PLEASE COME. We will also cover Sheep management in the Southeast and have a "hands-on" workshop on On-site inspections, card grading and showing. This program should be of interest to most anyone that raises minor breeds. We will also plan to feed you right Saturday night.

We will be meeting at the H.R.Harrill Center on the NC State Fairgrounds. There is easy access from I-40 and I-85. Check with the JSBA Newletter for more details and contact me if you wish to attend.

Neal Grose
629 North Meadow Rd.
Harmony NC  28634
[704] 546-7385
NLGrose at yadtel.net 
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