[Jacob-list] Lots of lambs/scrapie programs

Linda wolfpen at rabun.net
Mon Mar 11 17:19:57 EST 2002

On Mon, 11 Mar 2002 14:26:47 -0500, Heather Hettick wrote:
  I have to tag my breeding stock over a year old and those I
>other than for slaughter.  
>Heather Hettick
>Moonstruck Jacob Sheep
>Creston, Ohio

Is there any testing of your slaughter animals to certify them as scrapie free?  If 
you sell to someone that is not in the voluntary program and lose track of that 
animal, what happens to your flock certification?

For example, say you sell a sheep to someone that does not keep up registrations.  
The sheep ends up going through a sale barn and on to slaughter - or dies at 
someone's farm where they just dig and hole and bury it.  How does that sheep show 
up on your records?  You don't know that it was scrapie free as there is no record 
of where it ended up -  or do you?  If I don't bring or sell in any sheep for five 
years and have no deaths (except by slaughter) and records to prove it, does that 
mean that my flock is scrapie free (even if I'm not in the program)?  


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