[Jacob-list] Interesting lamb

Paul and Kate Survis kbarrett at oregontrail.net
Sat Mar 9 20:09:52 EST 2002

Interesting lambWell no little lamb is ugly, but this one is very different.  I too have been enjoying the race of 17 that the lambs set up around sunset...I don't know who starts it, but it only ends when everyone is exhausted. How do they know which direction they will go, or when to start? The other night my son came in from feeding jumping and twisting in the air.  "I'm a lamb!" he exclaimed!! He is 14 and seldom loses his cool demeanor, which made this all the more delightful.  These babies bring such an appreciation for life into all who see them. 
I have my new Jacob sheep sign hanging on the lambing pen fence, and it still stops cars everyday.  I know it is really the lambs, but the sign has satisfied these onlookers with what these actually are. Thanks for putting such a great sign together.
I have a question for the list.  This year I seem to have two blue eyed jacob lambs in my group.  I thought it was just a baby thing, but they are still blue.  How can this happen?  I have used the same ram for 3 years, and never had this combination produce blue eyes before.  Neither parent is blue eyed, I guess this doesn't follow the same rules as blue eyes in humans.  Can anyone explain this phenomenon? Thanks.
Kate Barrett
Ruby Peak Jacobs
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Mary Ellen <iseespots1nc at earthlink.net>
  To: jacob-list at jacobsheep.com <jacob-list at jacobsheep.com>
  Date: Saturday, March 09, 2002 4:09 AM
  Subject: [Jacob-list] Interesting lamb


  This little guy looks like flock sire material in my book.  MAN!  What an ugly little fellow.  Hope his mommy loves him.

  We are up to 9 lambs at our place this spring.  It also looks like most of the girls were bred despite my efforts of pulling the ram early to avoid catching a goodly bunch of the lambs (didn't want TOO many lambs this year as figured sales would be slower again this year as well).  

  I used St Jude's Moses (Maverick Mimosa and Maverick Delegate) and Rockies Reebok (Rockies Liam and Rockies Boka) on all of them.  There are some lighter ones in the group and some around 50% so far.  I do lean towards the darker ones in personal preference.  We have just stupendous fleeces as well as "crap" fleeces.  There are blue eyes on 5 or 6 of the lambs varying in intensity from deep crystal blue to very pale light blue.  Total rams to ewes right now is 5 to 4 with rams leading.  (I am OVERDUE for an excessive ram crop as the last 2 years have been heavy on the ewe end--sob sob sob :o))  We have some 2 horned ones and some 4 horned ones.

  I am also starting to plan a trip out to visit my parents and a buddy or two this summer.  Will be heading home to NC from MO via Wisconsin this year.  The trip should be fun once again.  Kids will get to see more geography.

  Mary Ellen Hansson 
  ISeeSpots Farm 
  Jacob Sheep:  Those horny, fuzzy critters 
  Shop:  Knitting, crochet, spinning supplies 

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