[Jacob-list] Interesting lamb

Mary Ellen iseespots1nc at earthlink.net
Sat Mar 9 07:02:03 EST 2002


This little guy looks like flock sire material in my book.  MAN!  What
an ugly little fellow.  Hope his mommy loves him.

We are up to 9 lambs at our place this spring.  It also looks like most
of the girls were bred despite my efforts of pulling the ram early to
avoid catching a goodly bunch of the lambs (didn't want TOO many lambs
this year as figured sales would be slower again this year as well).  

I used St Jude's Moses (Maverick Mimosa and Maverick Delegate) and
Rockies Reebok (Rockies Liam and Rockies Boka) on all of them.  There
are some lighter ones in the group and some around 50% so far.  I do
lean towards the darker ones in personal preference.  We have just
stupendous fleeces as well as "crap" fleeces.  There are blue eyes on 5
or 6 of the lambs varying in intensity from deep crystal blue to very
pale light blue.  Total rams to ewes right now is 5 to 4 with rams
leading.  (I am OVERDUE for an excessive ram crop as the last 2 years
have been heavy on the ewe end--sob sob sob :o))  We have some 2 horned
ones and some 4 horned ones.

I am also starting to plan a trip out to visit my parents and a buddy or
two this summer.  Will be heading home to NC from MO via Wisconsin this
year.  The trip should be fun once again.  Kids will get to see more

Mary Ellen Hansson
ISeeSpots Farm
Jacob Sheep:  Those horny, fuzzy critters
Shop:  Knitting, crochet, spinning supplies

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