[Jacob-list] Caught one of them ...

Gary Tomas Fay fayg at mebtel.net
Sun Jan 27 12:47:51 EST 2002


I forgot all about the two books that I had, Raising Sheep the Modern
Way and Beginning Shepherds Manual. I went back through them, and even
broke down and prepared an order from Jeffers.

Weak Kid syringe with tube (It was cheap enough),
Misc. nipples
Super Lamb Instant Milk Replacer,
Dried Colostrum - Natur's Way ( This was marked Cattle and other animals

                            - do they make one specifically for sheep.
Do these contain Antibodies?
                            - For some reason I figured it would be
species specific with antibodies.
                            - no sense in making sheep anti cattle
antibodies unless required ! )

Uterine Bolus - (Why is there Urea in it, and I hope there is more
                                   than that for sterilization, or is
the goal to just limit growth?)
10% Povidone Iodine, topical, (compare to beta dine - Generic)

Is there anything else I may need? I saw a lamb puller, and
I saw one in the book with three finger caps that looked easier
than the commercial one. It seems however that that is one
thing that would be better done by hand. )

The book said something about a bubble forming in the back up to a day
before birth, as a possibility.
Is that a frequent possiblity, or just possible. Those texts were geared
more for the commercial breeds, how different are Jacobs?

I caught the young ewe lamb, save the fork, she's not done yet. The
utter was not filled, small and cat like would be a good description.
She is the most ornery of the group. The others calm down when they
realize they have been caught, she just keeps fighting. I will try again
to catch the  older ewes later, maybe separate the ram now. I was able
to get some more pictures of the lambs from last year. Need to get them
developed and see how they came out.

Thanks again for all the help/feedback!


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