[Jacob-list] Re:Wethering Lambs

J Thomas shepherdofspots at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 25 15:48:29 EST 2002

This is so interesting how different countries and
areas do things differently.

I just started to dock tails on my Jacobs this year. I
"long dock" with an elastrator at the part of the tail
that's all "fuzz". (If you look at a lamb tail's
underside, you'll see where I place the band.)

We are just going to start showing in fleece classes
this year.  I'm not sure what others do and am eager
to find out.

I know that the white market lambs my children see at
4H shows are pretty much tail=less. We caused quite a
stir last fall with my two doing showmanship with
their fleece covered, tail-wagging sheep!

Joy Thomas
Creedmoor NC

Joy Thomas, Son-Rise Farm
Home of Jacob Sheep

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