[Jacob-list] wethering lambs

Mary Spahr spahrfarm at dragonbbs.com
Mon Feb 25 11:21:16 EST 2002

At what ages do other breeders wether their lambs, if at all?
We have never wethered ours, so have no experiences with it.  I have a lady who was wanting small, wethered lambs to put on a bottle.  We have never pulled healthy baby lambs from their mothers to sell as pets on a bottle.  I assume that at 3 or 4 months of age, it is way too late to wether lambs.  
At what ages do others wean their lambs?  We always leave the lambs with their mothers and turn them all out to pasture together.  I guess we have never catered to the "pet market."  I have heard of Jacob bottle lambs being sold for $100 ea.!  We have been fortunate this year to have only one bottle lamb so far.  I would imagine that taking healthy lambs from their mothers would discourage her maternal instincts and maybe even cause mastitis.  I have never seen a bottled Jacob lamb that gets as big as others that stayed with the ewe.  
I know a pygmy goat breeder who sells kids at 6 or 7 wks. of age.  Am I being overly concerned and protective of our lambs?   

Mary Spahr
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