[Jacob-list] Freckling, Ticking, Mottling

Mary Spahr spahrfarm at dragonbbs.com
Sat Apr 6 12:37:03 EST 2002

These terms are confusing.  Did everyone get the JSBA Glossary of Terms in their guidebooks?  Freckles (fleece and skin) are defined as:  A.  Small groups of dark spots in the white area of the skin which produce dark fibers.  This may appear at birth or not until one year of age.  This is a heritable characteristic.  B.  Age spots appear as small, darker spots (usually a shadowlike grey) on the pink skin as the animal gets older.  The fibers growing from this area are rarely affected as the pigment change only affects the skin.  This may be a heritable characteristic.  C.  Sunburn spots appear from exposure to strong sunlight.  These spots are generally much darker than age spots.  They are also very small and may or may not have pigment changes involving fiber.  This is an environmental effect.
Bleeding (fleece and skin) is defined as spotting which lacks clearly defined edges.
Mottling (fleece and skin) is spotting which is not distinctly defined, more irregular than clearly defined spotting and which may run together.
I cannot find a definition printed for 'ticking'.  I think it is used interchangably with mottling.  
Mary Spahr
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