Fwd: [Jacob-list] Showing Jacobs

Debbie Bennett dbennet954 at earthlink.net
Fri Sep 28 11:28:23 EDT 2001

On Thursday, September 27, 2001, at 11:24 AM, Dennis Schultz wrote:

> I'm surprised that there hasn't been more discussion about this topic.
> I believe that 'trimming' fleeces and 'coloring' horns and hooves 
> should not
> be allowed. If trimming is allowed, then quilting, hairy foreheads, 
> legs and
> bellies can be hidden. Naturally black horns and hooves are stronger 
> than
> white, thus blacking them can hide a less desirable trait. I prefer to 
> show
> after wiping noses and picking off the hay and 'poop balls', ie, show 
> them
> in all their natural beauty.
"Trimming" fleeces is not about hiding less desirable traits. Its 
presentation and care of your animals. Judges can tell what has been 
done to the sheep. Even if someone were to trim to try and hide 
quilting - the judge parts the wool in several places along the side of 
each animal to look at the fleece type and consistency, and can tell 
when the white and dark areas of the wool are different. Its evident 
when sheep have have been washed, oiled, etc., you're not fooling 
anyone, you are showing you care for your animals.
> And I agree with Gordon. Showing for ribbons is not the reason to go to
> shows. Getting to meet and talk to other breeders is the most valuable
> reason for going.
Meeting and talking with other breeders is great. So, is the advertising 
and sales when you win - and that does happen. At OFFF, last weekend, I 
had an old goat doe that took grand champion. Within 5 minutes after the 
show, I sold her grandaughter and her fleece. I could have sold her five 
times over. She went on to win supreme grand champion and I brought home 
a trophy and a $100 premium. Her winning, paid for the trip and her 
picture will be in the next cashmere newsletter (free advertising).

Debbie Bennett
Feral Fibre
> Denny
> Dennis and Barbara Schultz
> Green Water Farm
> Port Townsend, WA
> www.greenwaterfarm.com
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