[Jacob-list] Showing Jacobs

WenlochFrm at aol.com WenlochFrm at aol.com
Thu Sep 27 21:15:28 EDT 2001

First, there is no official policy on fitting Jacobs for the show ring. The 
West Coast breeders show their sheep naturally...not to be bathed, carded, 
trimmed. Removing tags and vegetable matter, oiling horns, cleaning feet, 
ears, faces is acceptable anywhere.

I confess to bathing my Jacobs if they need it. I refuse to take a dirty 
animal into the ring. If they need a bath, they get one. However, the wool 
needs time to recover as it removes the oil and crimp, so it needs to be done 
a minimum of three weeks before showing. Do it even earlier if possible. Use 
a mild soap such as Ivory or Dawn. I have had the best results with Orvis 
Paste. Then keep the animal in a clean, dry place until show day. If there is 
any last minute soiling to be cleaned off, use water only without soap. Have 
a blow dryer handy if the show is the same day. 

These are all things I learned from commercial breeders showing in the wool 
breeds, and you can bet they don't show dirty sheep.

Joan Franklin

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