[Jacob-list] show prep guidelines

J Thomas shepherdofspots at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 25 22:58:51 EDT 2001

We just showed in a small local 4H show. I did not
bath my animals.  I did, however, trim off manure tags
and clip their under tail areas to make them neat. I
washed under their tails (they are not docked) to
remove manure residue. I washed their legs and faces
and trimmed their tummies.  I also made sure their
ears were clean.  We used baby oil on their horns to
make them shine (put on shortly before we went into
show ring and rubbed with a soft towel). My Daughter
also used a bit of sparkle cream on her wether's horns
in a special costume-like class. I used a large
toothed comb (similar to a mane and tail horse comb)
to comb through the fleece -- being careful not to
fluff them too much. We also remove all veggie matter
from the fleece.

Hope this helps some. I'm interested in hearing what
others have to say!


--- Yvonne Hart <spottingchances_jacob at yahoo.com>
> Our 4H sheep leader is endeavoring to become more
> knowledgeable of wool breed showing.  Her comment to
> me the other night was that wool animals are not to
> be washed before showing.  I have always washed,
> picked out and done a little trimming with our
> Jacobs.  I couldn't find guidelines in JSBA on this,
> but the Jacob Sheep Society in the UK gave a good
> description. I was wondering how  you prepare your
> animals, and do other wool breeds not wash before a
> show? 
> Yvonne Hart
> Four Horn Farm
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Joy Thomas, Son-Rise Farm
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