[Jacob-list] Lamb Processing Prices

dave & katrina oberlef at desupernet.net
Fri Oct 26 19:05:22 EDT 2001

We have been selling the lamb at 2.25 hanging weight and then arranging it with buyer to take care of all the butchering expenses (including wrapping and freezing)on their own.  We simply deliver the lamb to the butcher of choice.  Only starting, but it seems to be working out well.  We have gotten very positive comments back so far.  We market them as naturally-raised grass-fed lamb at a nearby health food store. Most people are pleased. A great site with lamb recipes is on the internet.  www.connix.com/~mlfarm/recipe.html
One of the best sources I have found.  Many great recipes! Love the Black Bean and Lamb Chili.

It is a funny thing about what animals we are offended to eat and which we aren't...  I love our animals and don't consider myself much of a meat eater, but adding this dimension to our program here has been a very good thing.  Everything has value, even the animals that are a let-down as breeders.  The 30+ lambs a year, it keep this place sane. Works for us.  
Katrina, Chicory Lane

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Mary McCracken 
  To: humbug7 at worldnet.att.net 
  Cc: Jacob List Members 
  Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 5:45 PM
  Subject: Re: [Jacob-list] Lamb Processing Prices

  What do you provide besides the lamb?  The butchering and wrapping too??    mm
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Kathryn Shirley <humbug7 at worldnet.att.net>
    Cc: Jacob List Members <jacob-list at jacobsheep.com>
    Date: Friday, October 26, 2001 2:27 PM
    Subject: Re: [Jacob-list] Lamb Processing Prices

    I sell mine for $2.50 lb hanging weight for a "whole" lamb--cut up and vacuum sealed.  $3.00 for a half lamb--cut up and vacuum sealed. 
    Kate Shirley 
    Humbug Farm 

    dave & katrina wrote: 

      Sounds steep...  Around here we are charged a flat $35/sheep plus wrapping and freezing. We keep the skin, bones, or whatever else we ask for without charge. Interesting there is so much of a price difference. For those of you selling retail or wholesale meat lamb, what kind of prices are you asking?  We have been selling whole lamb for $2.25/lb hanging weight or $4/lb wrapped & frozen.KatrinaChicory LaneHanover, PA 
        ----- Original Message -----
        From: Jim Spahr
        To: Jacob List Members
        Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 8:35 PM
        Subject: [Jacob-list] Lamb Processing Prices
         We are scheduled to have 3 lambs processed in Nov.  The cost is $54 ea. plus a $50 fee for someone to come to the butcher shop to dispose of the remains.  The $50 will be split among 5 customers, for a total of $64 per lamb.  This is why we will be taking our crossbred lambs that weigh more.  These kinds of prices do not make it economical for us to take smaller lambs such as our Jacobs.                                                                 Mary Spahr
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