[Jacob-list] Thoughts from a former breeder

Edd Bissell bissell at usit.net
Thu May 17 07:46:53 EDT 2001

1 - Those of you on this list either have or are interested in getting 
Jacob Sheep.  This is a given. You have neighbors who have them, seen them 
at Exotic sales, at Expos, at sheep shows, ect and were attracted to them 
because of there 4 horns and/or black/white coloration and/or 
rarity.......something different that just sort of grabbed you.
2 - The sheep that you have or are going to get will fall into one of 3 
categories. This is a given. They will be the primitive type that preceded 
the 50s and on importations - RARE. They will be a pure import from the 
Hescock importation = POSSIBLE or something imported into Canada and 
filtered down into the US - POSSIBLE. Or, and this is where 99% of the 
sheep out there fall, they will be a combination of the old primitive type 
American sheep and the more recent imports.  A blend of the two types.\

3 - When you get your sheep you have an option to register them within two 
of the organizations that are out there now - the JSBA or the JSC. And if 
you do this you will HAVE to follow their guidelines toward registering 
your sheep. These two organizations both have a procedure that they feel 
will best suit the breed and it's future.  You the breeder have to decide 
which one fits into your way of thinking and to me they are as different as 
day and night BUT both have a place and are a benefit to the breed

4 - But when you decide to register your sheep be prepared for sometime one 
of your sheep failing to meet the basic qualification for 
registration!!!!!  I personally know much more about the way the JSBA works 
than I do the JSC.  And of the 7 I believe inspectors on the JSBA I 
personally know 4 of these inspectors - they are LONG TIME BREEDERS - are 
in my opinion very qualified to be doing their jobs -are dedicated enough 
to take the time and effort to do this job - are willing to take the heat 
that comes with failing someone's sheep - and have no agenda to let 
personal feeling interfere with passing or failing you sheep.  It is in 
their hands to insure the future of your breed.  They have a responsibility 
to cull out the xbreeds, etc.  = to follow the guidelines set out by the 
members and passed on to the m by the BOD.  Just because a lamb falls out 
of two of your registered sheep does not and should not automatically 
quality it for registration - for you are dealing with number of horns 
and/or wool and/or leg color and/or eye patches and/or nose color and/or 
lots of small spots and/or a few large spots and/or horn configuration, 
etc. etc. etc.   The whole ball of wax is what makes up your Jacob and the 
future of your flock - be prepared to CULL - CULL - CULL.  And let the 
registration process help you do to this.

5 - LISTEN to them when they tell you something about the sheep that you 
are trying to register - they probably know more as a group that the whole 
rest of you will ever know.  And I do not say that lightly!!! They have 
been breeding long before the inception of either of the breed 
organizations and made every possible mistake that the rest of you can ever 
make as a group!!!!!  They know what the breed looked like 25 years ago, 
know the "improvements" that have been made to the breed in the following 
years, have helped set the guidelines that form the registrations as they 
are today.  They should be your gurus!!!!!

6 - For some strange reason there are those you there who think that the 
inspectors are a tight knit groups of secret militia that have certain 
sheep in their sights and are trying to eliminate them!!!!  Not true 
-  They are doing a job that will hopefully insure the future of no only 
your personal flock but the breed as a whole.

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