[Jacob-list] weaning lambs

linda wolfpen at rabun.net
Sat Jun 2 19:22:19 EDT 2001

Does anyone notice that the mother-daughter and twin sister bonds change during pregnancy?  It 
seems that as the ewes come near to lambing, they become less bonded to their flock "buddies." 
 After lambing, they are focused on the new lambs.  Then, as the new lambs get older, the 
family bonds reform.


On Thu, 31 May 2001 06:59:12 -0700, Dennis Schultz wrote:
>    I pull the ram lambs out between two and three  months and put them in a different
>paddock as far from the ewes as I can. After  a couple of very noisy days of calling for
>their mothers, they settle down just  fine. I leave the ewe lambs in with their mothers and
>let them wean naturally  and keep a close mother-daughter bond.
> Denny
> Dennis and Barbara Schultz
>Green Water Farm
>Port    Townsend, WA

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