[Jacob-list] Re: FF FOR SALE: Jacob Ewes

2512 at nethawk.com 2512 at nethawk.com
Fri Jul 20 16:18:38 EDT 2001

If anyone is interested in starting a Jacob Flock, we have some lovely ewes that would go great with Heather's rams.  We have six purebred Jacob ewes that  we are selling.  We are in the scrapies program,  newly enrolled this year.  All but one are two horns.  The only four horn is very "primitive" looking, and she throws wonderful lambs. We are asking $600 for all six.   Lots of twinning this year and a lot of ewe lambs, that is how our flock got so big so fast. The oldest was born in 1998, two in 99, two in '00 and one in '01. 
Also available a really nice, primitive looking 4-Horn ram-$100.00 or free if you buy all 6 ewes. 
Not related to any of our ewes. 
Please email us for more info.  We are in mid-Michigan. Delivery to Michigan Fiber Fest is possible.  
Bonnie Sutten
Bonnie and Herb Sutten ~** Sheepy Thyme Farm**~Edmore, Michigan~**~
Llamas, California Variegated Mutant Sheep &  Natural Colored Romeldales
Jacob & Shetland Sheep, French Angora Rabbits,  ABCA Border Collies
http://www.agdomain.com/web/sheepythyme/ ** email: sheepythyme at nethawk.com

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