[Jacob-list] lambing progress?

iseespots iseespots at email.msn.com
Mon Jan 15 11:17:02 EST 2001

Hi all,

Things have been relatively quiet on the list lately.  How are the new lambs
doing?  It will be over 3 weeks yet here before we have any toddling

Bliss (the ewe with pregnancy toxemia) seems to be still hanging in there.
Some days are more up while the rest are more down.  Overall, her condition
is essentially stable.  I want to thank all the wonderful shepherds for
suggestions and support in working with her.  She isn't due until latter
February, so we are basically still living in a make-believe world dreaming
about live lambs-----but I am a dreamer!  There are no signs that she will
recover to the point of not needing care two or more times each day until
after lambing.

Any ideas why Bliss HATES Nutradrench and her buddies think it is the
coolest thing to come lick the outside of the syringe off when I am done?  I
know Murphy's law dictates this set of "tastebuds", but...

Mary Ellen
ISeeSpots Farm www.iseespots.com
Home of Jacob Sheep, and German Angora Rabbits,
colored German Angora crosses and a few French.
Renewable fleeces, loving personalities, friends.

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